Just Knock on the Tree
The Odyssey of the Coddiwompling Tortoise – Rozinante – and The Storyteller
(Coddiwomple: to travel in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination.)
4. Bureaucracy reigns supreme
The hold up with my licence turned out to only be the start of my dramas. Just when I thought I was almost on my way, my cellphone was stolen…
3. Someone believes in me
Perhaps my son, Ty, was, understandably, the most worried person of the lot. His mother, in her 72nd year was about to flee his family home and depart on some…
2. The Objections
I had scaled down from a three-bedroomed house to not just a smaller house or a two-bedroom flat, or even a one-bedroom flat. I had turned my back on everything…
1. The Beginning
How many of us grew up with our parents telling us bedtime stories? I know I did. I realised that perhaps my factual story would be of interest to you….
Judy’s memoirs
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