The Storyteller Heading

Just Knock on the Tree

The Odyssey of the Coddiwompling Tortoise – Rozinante – and The Storyteller

(Coddiwomple: to travel in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination.)

16. The Workshop – Ko Kasi Kuruman

Fervent jazz enthusiasts meet regularly to socialise and play their favourite musicians. I was lucky enough to meet them. I felt like I was back in New Orleans, except they…
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11. Escaping to the Riverbank for more Bosman

Early on Sunday, master storyteller, David Muller, returned – captivating his audience as he narrated Heathcote William’s epic poem Whale Nation on the riverbank of River Still Guesthouse grounds.
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Judy’s memoirs

Repercussions of War

Growing up in the heart of Sydney, in Australia, in the early 50s, meant not only witnessing returned soldiers who had been disabled somehow, somewhere in the world during WW2…
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A Place with a Purpose

The general consensus of opinion is that I definitely had an unusual childhood. You see, my dad was a Picture Show Man — as they called them in Australia then…
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Hi, I’m Judy

My maiden name was Hawkins and perhaps that explains why I love travelling. Sir John Hawkins, who sailed for Queen Elizabeth I, was supposed to be related to me. Possibly, that may only be a fanciful notion on the part of my late father and in any case, I can’t be overly proud of the fact. Hawkins was responsible for discovering the use of tobacco by the Native Americans, returning to England with it and the process of smoking in 1565. Not to mention the dreadful fact that he was also a slave trader.

Perhaps none of us knows a lot about our ancestors. I grew up in the days when a person’s personal business was just that – personal. I like it that way but in this Blog you can peek around the edges of my life. I am a non-smoker and only raise a glass of champagne on special occasions. Otherwise … well, I’d like to think you’ll find me interesting.

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