Just Knock on the Tree
The Odyssey of the Coddiwompling Tortoise – Rozinante – and The Storyteller
(Coddiwomple: to travel in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination.)
Lapping up even more on offer in the Marico
I was still revelling in the Bosman Weekend. There was so much to see…

Grant Smith intrigues the children with an Australian aboriginal didgeridoo’s deep sounds. Image by Judy Barnes.
I had opted for the art group to watch Bill McGill show us how a sketch of a gum tree came alive under his very practiced hand, deftly working in watercolours. ‘Speed is the secret’, he said. ‘Most of the time, you can’t paint in detail when using this medium. It’s a brush held loosely and ready, steady go.’ The result was wonderful and Bill’s repartee just as impressive – especially when he ended off by saying the painting would be available for sale afterwards, ‘at a ridiculously low price’. Once signed, he can command a high fee. The buyer is paying for the skill. To do a painting like that in one hour proves 60 years of practice preceded it.
Hermien Webb gives an impromptu lesson to her admirers on how to use the camera.
The tentacles of the Bosman legend had spread far and wide, as a number of Europeans attended too. During a break in the programme, I spoke to Robin Crigler from Michigan State University in the USA, who says he wants to live and work in South Africa. He originally came to do research for a doctorate on the country’s history but it has turned into a study of our humour and satire. He has been here a year and feels completely at home. Strangely enough, he initially learnt about the country from comedians Barry Hilton and Trevor Noah.
Johan Moolman in his studio.
For those looking for exuberant, loud guitar playing, Jacques Moolman fitted the bill under the thatch for the Sundown Programme in the NG Church Garden Terrain. Jacques is the son of the famous sculptor, Johan Moolman who is another firm advocate of living in the closeknit Marico community.
An evening performance brought the esteemed actor David Muller on stage with his ‘At Home with Oom Schalk’. The minimalistic theatre style allowed Bosman’s exceptional talent with words to shine through in the production as Muller worked every nuance of voice, gesture and movement, leaving the laughing audience utterly delighted.
Bosman Weekend is a blast. Grant Smith studied the art of ‘gonging’ in the U.K.
Other highlights of the weekend, for me, were Grant Smith’s Gong Bath – a session of deep listening. A very unusual form of meditation that had never been experienced by most of us but was declared a winner. After all, how often do we take time to just stop and go within? Not often enough, if truth be told.
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