About Judy
Australian born, Judy worked in sales and was a freelance writer for more than two decades for magazines, with photography, as well as scriptwriting for business, radio and television. She has turned her back on the trappings of suburbia or as Zorba once called it, “the whole catastrophe” and is now travelling RSA in a campervan, writing her memoirs and children’s books, teaching her writing course and making additional friends – not to mention having new adventures.
Contact Judy
So you want to be a writer? Why?
Send Judy the opening paragraph of a story you’d love to tell and she will give you a free critique on what you submit.
Will it make her want to read more? That all-important opening paragraph either keeps a reader reading or it doesn’t. Will yours do that?
Her writing course could put you on the right track – if you are serious about being a writer.
It’s up to you. The ball is in your court.
I look forward to reading your work.